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96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :I think I have found your problem, you are trying to play LFS S2 stuff...

If you set LFS to LAN server with Demo content, LFS does not require RFC1918 vaild IP. If you wanna play LAN S2 game, than you need RFC1918 valid IP.

So, stop cracking and get a licence.

BTW, are you sure you are on LAN with your friend? I bet you arent....

BTW2, Scawen is pretty smart that he made this, it is the best way how to prevent a lot of crackers playing online. I know the way how to run cracked LFS S2 online without "real" LAN, but dont expect I will reveal it....

96 GTS
S2 licensed
Two very informative and very very good posts, lol. You should have posted sooner
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I was wondering what that was, I'd never realized the difference between it and ext.

So yes, I think it can be safely removed
96 GTS
S2 licensed
That's unfortunate for you guys, here in the U.S. the company would have been forced to sell them at that price. I remember a few years back, Northwest Airlines had some plane tickets that were normally $499 marked at $4.99, and the people that bought the tickets were able to keep the deal.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from jtw62074 :Long, very informative post

Always always always great to read your posts, Todd. It's really fun and informative to read posts on physics discussions from someone who's actually working on it. I'm sure I speak for the majority of the community when I say I hold you in the same esteem as the LFS Developers themselves.

While I'd never thought of the collision model and the physics model as two different things, it makes perfect sense. All one has to do is play Burnout to see this, the cars handle like they're on rails, not realistic at all, but the crashes are the best I've ever seen. I haven't played Flatout, but it looks to be the same way. Thanks for enlightening me
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Yawn.

I mean it's nice and all but... meh. Anyone remember the lens flare fad back in the dayz of first 3D accelerator cards?

I'd love to see game designers spend dough on ACTUAL GAME DESIGN instead of useless blingbling that'll be forgotton in 2 months after the much-hyped release.

But then again that's just me and I suck.

And have sleep deprivation.

Hungry too.


I don't think this CGI water is for games, I think it's for movies
96 GTS
S2 licensed
You can use it to stream media from your computer to your stereo if you have it connected to your stereo, or I believe you can also just copy your music library to it if you'd like.

Also, Forza 2 looks promising, judging by the current Forza, it will at least be halfway realistic.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from herki :hmm... so what did you exspect? there aren't many female racers, and not to many girls enjoy palying computer games, not to say simulators... both combined is really a minority

That is true, girls that like videogames are a rare find. However, I do personally know one girl that plays LFS, and is a member of this forum
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I'm a male
96 GTS
S2 licensed
PRetty much any wheel out there has shift paddles. I'm gonna go out on a limb and recommend a Logitech Driving Force Pro. I realize people are going to think I'm nuts for not recommending a Logitech G25, but damn they're expensive, and I think the DFP is a really nice wheel, especially for the price. The DFP has paddles, and a stick sequential shifter if you so desire, and I guarantee you'll be smoother with it than using a gamepad.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
The Caterham CSR 260 is freaking insane... There's no way anything else even has a chance against it on that track. Maybe on a faster, more flowing track, supercars like the Carrera GT could pull ahead, but on tracks like that, it's untouchable..

Sounds amazing too, even for a 4 cylinder
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :He's either an alien, or Scawen's long awaited brand new AI.

Flippin hell.

Hannu is a pretty well known alien, just look at his online stats
96 GTS
S2 licensed
+1 from me too
96 GTS
S2 licensed

Holy crap I didn't realize I was that eclectic in my music choices
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
It is soooooo great seeing the hardcore GTR and GTR2 fans complaining about how the cars seem to float above the track, how they feel disconnected from the cars, and how the FF sucks. I've felt this in all ISI games, it makes me wonder how bad Race actually is that the GTR Fanboys complaing about it....
96 GTS
S2 licensed
And done!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Another one in the agree camp here.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Is there any way to have both real and virtual mirrors? In some cars I cant see the real mirrors very clearly, so I have a virtual mirror, but I still like seeing at least part of the real mirrors. Could there be a both option please?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomkey :Here a problem with the patches, too. Since i updated 3 times since U19 (was this week on Tuesday), i MUST unlock LFS. I had to ask for a further key, 1 for the unlock, 1 for a PC-Upgrade (new CPU), to install a new running fullversion.

I'm the meaning, that i didn't have to unlock LFS by installing these patches.
I made a backup, yesterday, so i could use LFS full, but still with U19...................until next month, when i get 2 keys

What's going wrong here?

You shouldn't have to re unlock LFS after every patch, that's weird
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :uh refresh my memory ... when did i say i hated your country ?

I think this is all a misunderstanding, Flippy has never read any of the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy series, so he didn't get the joke. I'm guessing he assumed you hated his country when you said the most offensive word in the universe is belgium.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
it already exists, it's called the nutter rank
96 GTS
S2 licensed


Douglas Adams FTW
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I felt the exact same way when I discovered LFS, I was still playing Racer at the time...

Have lots of fun, see you online
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :damn yee, post a pic!

Wow, your so good you posted it... back in time!

I'm just that skilled
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Flippy got it, and yep, I don't think it's sold in Europe at all, which is exactly why I posted it

It's my car btw